
Here is a list of my past and current projects.

AGNI: Advanced Guard for Navigating Internet
March ‘23 - Present, As a part of B.Tech. Thesis Project, MAIT, Delhi
AGNI aims to create a safe browsing space by blocking multimodal obscenity in form of text, audio, video and images. The project is also submitted to KAVACH 2023, a national level cybersecurity competition hosted by Govt. of India, AICTE, Bureau of Police Research and Development and Minsitry of Home Affairs.
Site: AGNI

September ‘22 - February ‘23, As a part of Minor Project, MAIT, Delhi
VIhanced is a mobile application that upscales low resolution videos in real time, on user’s mobile device. The application is intented to be used at places having low internet connectivity. (Implementation details are shared in our paper publish in IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON) 2023)
Site: VIhanceD

November ‘22 - November ‘22, As a part of UNESCO India Africa Hackathon 2022
We worked on a progressive web application to calculate the rooftop area based on the user’s location (based on GPS, coordinates, and address). To approach this problem, we started by performing semantic segmentation of rooftops from the satellite images from the Google Maps API. The identified rooftops were numbered and later selected by the user for further computations. We calculated the area of the polygon plotted over the image. After that, we used this area to figure out how much heat the roof absorbed from the sun’s rays (using solar irradiance). These calculations included factors such as the reflectance based on the color and material of the roof, the current temperature, wind speed, and season. The data was finally used to calculate the energy required by the air conditioner to cool the room, considering the heat transfer from the rooftop. The app made at the UNESCO India Africa Hackathon in 2022 works on Android and iOS and can also be used as a desktop client. We achieved this through the flexibility offered by progressive web applications. We used a state-of-the-art algorithm to segment rooftops with a mean IoU of 79.82 on the INRIA Dataset.
This project was selected as the best project by the evaluators, and we were awarded as the winning team by the Vice President of India and the Minister of Education of India for the UNESCO India Africa Hackathon 2022.
Site: REenergise

March ‘22 - August ‘22, Built for ICCR as a part of Smart India Hackathon 2022
We built Sangmanch for the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and the Indian Cultural Centres Abroad as a real-time monitoring and assessment tool (ICC).

  1. Integrated a robust and unsupervised anomaly detection system to automate ICCR’s financial anomaly identification.
  2. A real-time data analytics pipeline with interactive tables and infographics was built to enhance data analysis.
  3. Provided functionalities like Hierarchical Finance Management, Supply Chain and Logistics monitoring, Alumni Interaction and Volunteering platform, Real-Time infographics, and interactive tables to digitize and automate the organization’s current operations.
    Site: Sangmanch

Other Projects Include:

  • AIde: An Image Processing Guide for Visually Impaired People
  • IMGprove: A deep-learning solution to improve the quality of low-resolution images. This library improves the resolution of a 100x100 image to 400x400. Helpful for optimized data storage in cloud-based servers without compromising much with the quality of the image.
  • Chess Engine in JavaScript (ChessJS): mplementation of Chess Engine in JavaScript by using Min Max Tree with Alpha-Beta pruning (GOFAI (Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence)).

Github: Github